Can anyone recommend some helicopter tour companies on Kauai? From previous reviews it sounds like it is worth paying extra for a 4 seater helicopter.
Marc Frost
Helicopter Company RecommendationsWe went with inter-island. They fly with the doors off, which makes for a better view, and better picture taking. We loved it.
From what I hear, they also have the best safety record, and fly a lot of the islands rescue %26amp; fire missions. If you do a search on the forum for helicopter tours it should turn up more info than you%26#39;ll need.
Helicopter Company RecommendationsJammers-
We are going to Kauai in May and I have been surfing the web all over. I was reading the Kauai Garden Island News online and there was an article regarding a son (21 years old) of the owner of Inter-Island was killed in a helicopter crash in December when he was attempting to gather water to fight a brush fire. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you wanted to send condolences, etc.
I was also looking to possibly use them during our trip. I suppose they will still be operating their business. I know in the article that the son was supposed to be taking over the business.
MrFootball I appreciate the update. That is terrible news. I really couldn%26#39;t comment on the current state of their business. Kwils and some others probably would know more.
We%26#39;ve always flown with Jack Harter. We like the set-up and the pilots. The tours are great. This is the company that originated helo tours on the island. They%26#39;ll give you a decent discount for booking online. Definitely try for a 4-seater. The view is like nothing you%26#39;ve ever seen before.
Crashes happen. They%26#39;re fairly unusual.
I also am sad to hear that news, which I would have thought would have been posted on this forum at the time. I flew with Inter-island in Oct, and it was far and away the highlight activity of any vacation activity I have done. I did a trip report with links to photos taken.
I cast my vote for Inter-Island also. We rode with Marty in November and it was the highlight of our trip. I don%26#39;t think my husband will ever stop talking about it. I researched all the companies also and like them the best.
As far as I know, they%26#39;re operating as usual. The son was actually the president of the company and was to take over the business from his father. He was helping with a brush fire, and had made a water pickup when something went wrong and he crashed into the lake upside down. Rescuers pulled him out of the wreckage but he died a short time later at Wilcox Memorial Hospital. He didn%26#39;t have much experience fighting fires and I think this was his first go at it. It%26#39;s possible the bucket cables got tangled in the rotor blades and caused him to crash. A terrible outcome regardless.
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