Wednesday, March 28, 2012

informatin on snacks and beverages

we are going to maui at the royal lahaina resort hotel our first trip to hawaii. does anyone have any tips on saving money by eating some meals in our hotel room. thanks and happy new year

informatin on snacks and beverages

Hi People

To have some light meals look for the A%26gt;B%26gt;C. stores .Do not take an all day bus tour without your own picnic basket with PLENTY of water etc.,Most hotels have overpriced room service which is not always worth the long wait!! You will have to do the hard miles to appreciate ? the situation.

If you are near the Whalers village

shopping area there are some good places including the Restaurants at the Westin Hotel.The outside one is the best value for money and the food is O.K Good Luck..Dioginis.....

informatin on snacks and beverages

sydney, we usually have a big breakfast and a big dinner. We try to cook our own breakfast in the morning (eggs, sausage, toast, bagels). For a lite lunch, Mc Donalds has a .99 cents menu to choose from. Then, we usually have a big dinner either at a restaurant or cook our own meals. Places such as Da Kitchen have big servings (plate lunches) at very reasonable prices. We also make our own coffee in the condo, so this saves about $6 a day as well. There%26#39;s all kinds of ways to save. Maybe others will post their advice/tips as well. Good Luck!

We usually hit a farmers%26#39; market first thing for fruit, then Walmart for cereal and milk, and do breakfast in the room. (This assumes you have a fridge.) Buy a bag of Kaua%26#39;i or Kona coffee and make your own. Also get sodas at WalMart. You can keep them pretty cold using a cooler (see below) and hotel ice.

Get a cheap cooler at ABC Store or Walmart or such and use it to carry sandwiches for lunch. You can get a decent fold-up one - not throw-away foam - and either take it home with you or give it to someone when you leave.

Your post doesn%26#39;t mention whether or not you will have a access to a kitchenette or refrigerator. We made a list of quick and easy to prepare meals before we left. We were in the ResortQuest Kaanapali Shores condos and we had a kitchen. While there we saw a family putting together ham and cheese sandwiches (no condiments)at the pool once. We had subway once while there. On our Hana trip we packed deli meat %26amp; cheese and sub buns along with the maui potato chips, pickles, bottled water and pop. Over 12 days we only ate dinner out three times, and lunch twice. With the money we saved we took excursions! You could consider Costco if you are a member. We shopped at Safeway and Star markets and purchased the items on special to make our dollars go farther! Good Luck and have a great time!

Consider taking whatever food you can with you that doesn%26#39;t require refrigeration (fruit, cookies, chips, etc). You will then use the extra luggage space on your return trip for souvenirs.

If you%26#39;re a Costco member, there%26#39;s a Costco near the airport, near Walmart.

in-n-out, you can%26#39;t carry fruit into Hawai%26#39;i. IMHO, it would be a little silly to lug food all the way from the east coast. Prices simply are not that bad in the islands if you shop carefully.

Definitely get a cheap cooler, some snacks and drinks from the ABC stores/Walmart/

Kmart. We stayed at the Hyatt and down by the pool, a 12 oz can of soda was $3.50. A very small container of macaroni salad was about $4.50/$5.00. My husband had packed a huge sippy cup, filled it with ice from the hotel ice machine and filled it with soda that we had purchased at the ABC store. We also bought some lunch meat, bread, cereal, milk and juice and kept in our room.

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