Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Whale Watching

Aloha everyone:\

My family and I will be arriving to the BI on December 16 and we are staying until December 29. I am interested in Whale Watching. Can anyone recommend a good tour please.

We were in Alaska in May and went whale watching and had a great time seeing the whales. I thought what fun to see them in Hawaii, since the whales go there in the winter.

Thanks everyone!\

Whale Watching

Aloha Hoalahapa,

You can see whales easily from shore. They are all over the place, just look out across the water. I wouldn%26#39;t know about the tours, since we just look at them from any elevated vantage point.

A hui hou,


Whale Watching

We went out last April with Captain Dan McSweeney, at the very end of the season. They were very good at getting close to the pilot whales, and even managed to see a few of the straggler humpbacks.

There is only one true Whale Watch cruise: Captain Dan%26#39;s tour. Every other one is a cruise that tries to watch whales. Captain Dan is a trained researcher who knows where to find the whales, and he guarentees sightings. Be sure to make your reservations; he%26#39;ll probably fill up since it%26#39;s the holidays.

I know you are still in Hawaii and hope you had a great time. We have done Dan McSweeneys Whale Watch cruise and it was enjoyable but I found it too crowded that I could not get any good pictures of the whales. We have since gone on the SeaQuest and have a wonderful time on them. They use zodiac rafts and can zip over to the whale and stop at the legal distance. One year we had a mother and calf swim under the zodiac and another year we followed a male for 30 minutes while he was constantly breaching. There are 6-8 people max on each zodiac so you get very good views.

Gotta side with Mc Sweeney..... other boats are south... he is north and this is where the whale action is, in my experience, better.

Off the kohala coast not Kona

We took the McSweeney boat last was crowded and everyone on the bottom part of the boat got very was like watching whales from a hospital ward...try to sit on top (cannot with children under 70 or 90 lb)...other than that, it does seem to be a good tour with great crew who did their best to help all the patients :)

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