Friday, March 30, 2012

Thing to see ..(1st time to Hawaii)

Hey can you help me out!

My sister and me are going to Hawaii for the first time? What are some of things I should really do before I leave there?

Thing to see ..(1st time to Hawaii)

Don%26#39;t stay in Honolulu! Unless you like small hotel rooms in large cities, of course.

We%26#39;re in the middle of a 9 night Oahu stay and we%26#39;ve been exploring the North Shore, watching surfers, walking beautiful beaches and just plain relaxing in our studio rental.

The rest of the week will include kayaking, waterfall hikes, snorkeling and more good eats. Maybe a visit to Chinatown, but one trip to Diamond Head and an afternoon in HNL was enough city life for us. I didn%26#39;t make a 12 hour trip to look at high-rises, smell exhaust and walk hot pavement.

Thing to see ..(1st time to Hawaii)

I stayed in Waikiki for our 7 night stay and I loved it. Being a couple in their 20%26#39;s, we liked to be in Waikiki at night, there is so much to do. People watching is the best. This would be a personal choice. During the daytime we were all over the Island. Go to the North Shore, just drive around the whole Island, you will find so many places to stop. The Island is beautiful, my only advise is to rent a car.

And what about the hotel? Right now I have rooms reserved at the Outrigger Luana Waikiki. It%26#39;s got great reviews, but what do you think?

about what month or season are you all

planning a visit?

ei last weekend of Jan 29th is

Chinese New Year

in late march early april on the

BIG ISLAND is the Merry Monarch Festival

Golf a plenty on all 4 main islands

though a dab on Lana`i.

Whales late Nov to give or take May

Try a plate lunch

Poi (no need to attend a Luau ...)

DiamondHead HaleakaLA and for sure

Kilauea the Volcano on Big Island

O%26#39;ahu Pearl Harbor and Iolani Palace!!!

You MUST go to Hanauma Bay for snorkling or just to swim around. Easy $2 bus ride from Honolulu. I didn%26#39;t want to leave soooo gorgeous!

I loved staying at the Launa. You do have to walk through DeRussy park to get to the beach, but it%26#39;s the widest and least crowded part of Waikiki beach, so you%26#39;ll like it. And even though it%26#39;s military, there are outdoor cafes/bar there that anyone can order from for a good cheap meal!

Just be sure you don%26#39;t have one of the lower rooms on the Kalakaua (mauka) side becasue you may end up with a view of a gas station. Other than those few rooms it%26#39;s beautifully appointed and very convenient. And you can park a little cheaper at the DeRussy garage if you have a rental car.

However, do be sure to get over to the windward/North Shores. That%26#39;s where you%26#39;ll get to see the real Hawaii.

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