Friday, March 30, 2012

Ravenous Hana mosquitoes?

Thanks to your posts, I%26#39;ll be doing the full ';roundabout'; Hana drive, hitting Oheo Gulch for the 4 mile hike on the Pipiwai Trail, and doing a little kayaking and snorkeling as well.

However... what about mosquitoes? I%26#39;m sensitive to them. Since I%26#39;ll be staying at a B%26amp;B instead of forking out my life savings to stay at Hana-Maui, will I be eaten alive? How bad is it? I%26#39;ve been to Oahu and Kauai twice and wasn%26#39;t bitten a single time. Right when I thought Hawaii was mosquito-free, I%26#39;ve heard ';watch out for Hana';.

Ugh. Hate the little buggers.

Ravenous Hana mosquitoes?

We hiked near the Seven Sacred Pools, not far from Hana. My husband didn%26#39;t get a bite. I got several. I am not kidding - they swelled like 2 inches across! Huge! The locals saw me and said not to scratch them or they swell like that! And itch? Oh yes! But then, I get attacked on the North Shore of Kauai every year, even with mosquito repellent - but not the huge bites.

Ravenous Hana mosquitoes?

I%26#39;ve had a terrible time with mosquitoes each time I%26#39;ve been in the Hana area. Even worse than on the other islands. And yes, my bites swelled to the size of quarters and then went thru different shades of color--I%26#39;m not kidding! A gardener in Hana told me that due to all the ag use of pesticides in the past, the mosquito population became very resilient and has grown immune to many of the weaker repellents. Take a full-coverage lotion with the highest content of DEET you can find, and remember to reapply if you get wet. I must add that I%26#39;m extremely attractive to all mosquitoes everywhere, so my experiences may be the ';worst of the worst';.

I%26#39;ve always felt like I was a walking target for mosquitos too, but i had no problem with them any where in Hawaii, including Hana. In fact, I was amazed about the stuff I had read and assumed that it must be exagerated.

Now, my wife complained a few times about the buggers, but not in Hana.

Maybe I was just lucky.

I%26#39;ve always felt like I was a walking target for mosquitos too, but i had no problem with them any where in Hawaii, including Hana. In fact, I was amazed about the stuff I had read and assumed that it must be exagerated.

Now, my wife complained a few times about the buggers, but not in Hana.

Maybe I was just lucky.

I%26#39;ve always felt like I was a walking target for mosquitos too, but i had no problem with them any where in Hawaii, including Hana. In fact, I was amazed about the stuff I had read and assumed that it must be exaggerated.

Now, my wife complained a few times about the buggers, but not in Hana.

Maybe I was just lucky.

I%26#39;ve always felt like I was a walking target for mosquitos too, but i had no problem with them any where in Hawaii, including Hana. In fact, I was amazed about the stuff I had read and assumed that it must be exaggerated.

Now, my wife complained a few times about the buggers, but not in Hana.

Maybe I was just lucky.

Well, we had no mosquitos at all pre-contact.

July to September are the worst months. I go Hana in October for Aloha Festivals every year and don%26#39;t ever recall serious mosquito problems around that time. But when we camp in the spring and summer months, we always have to deal with the pests. Long sleeves and pants at dusk can really help, as well as oil of lemon eucalyptus. I do know that since the dengue outbreak in %26#39;01 there has been a larger effort to eradicate standing water in East Maui. I still think the mozzies are worse in Ha`iku than in Hana, and nothing on the island comes close to what I have encountered in some places on the mainland.

If you are sensitive to mosquitoes, you%26#39;ll be eat%26#39;n alive. My sister-in las and niece are very sensitive, and the mosquitoes always attack them first.

Of course, we always have them lead.

Well then... perhaps the solution is to go in Fall or Winter?

I was just in Maui last week and we were out and swimming in Hana and I never saw a mosquito. I was ready for them cause I had read that they can get bad, but I never saw one at all, and I am someone that always gets bit, if there is a mosquito within a mile, I always get bit.

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