Wednesday, March 28, 2012

pro bowl tailgate party worth it?

Has anyone been to the official pro bowl tailgate party in the past? Is it worth the $185 price tag? What all is included? Thanks!

pro bowl tailgate party worth it?

I bought a couple of tickets to that Turkey (opinion)a few years ago for $50 each on eBay. Haven%26#39;t seen any so far, but you might keep an eye on it. For the most part, seemed like it was a bunch of sports writers and a few (very) retired players; got the feeling that we were among a small minority there that hadn%26#39;t had admissioned comp%26#39;d or on an expense account.

In the past, we%26#39;ve found it much more fun to cruise the stadium-parking lot tailgate parties; may be different this year because they%26#39;ve banned beer outside the stadium. We%26#39;ve got a friend that air-brushes us outrageous Pro Bowl T%26#39;s every year that have been intended to ellicit a laugh; they%26#39;ve helped us mooch some really yummy eats from the local folks.

There is a semi-organized ';expo'; the day before the Pro Bowl at Kapiolani Park on the south end of Waikiki that%26#39;s free and a pleasant couple of hours of wandering around.

By the way, noticed on the TV schedule that ESPN2 is showing a ';Pro Bowl Skills Competition'; for two hours tomorrow night (12/14) beginning at 8pm eastern. haven%26#39;t checked their website, but imagine it%26#39;s a replay of player/amateur super-stars type competition that preceded last year%26#39;s game.

pro bowl tailgate party worth it?


While it appears inevitable they eventually will ban alcohol from Aloha Stadium tailgate has not happened yet.

The board, which got in trouble for not adhering to ';sunshine laws'; at its previous sessions on the subject, has it on the agenda for its next meeting on December 21.

From a recent article on the subject,

';The authority is considering whether to ban alcohol in the parking lot during tailgating at regular-season UH and high school games. The ban would not apply to alcohol sales inside the stadium. It also would not affect the post-season Hawaii Bowl or the Pro Bowl.';

It appears they are interested in a ban during events by State-run educational institutions only.

Mahalo Amber!

Will put my ultra-surreptitious plan of transferring my Budweiser%26#39;s to Hawaiian Punch cans on hold unless hearing from you to the contrary.

Are you going to the game?

Thanks for the input...if it wasn%26#39;t worth $50 it sure as hell isn%26#39;t worth $185. We can buy a lot of our own beer and souvenirs for that. Any other input is welcome, though.


If you are renting a car, have yourself a little tailgate party of your own. You can get a one-use disposable hibachi at any grocery store and a variety of meats, veggies, libations, etc..

Then take Kama%26#39;s advice and cruise around your little community in the parking lot, or offer your pupus to others...100% of the people there are looking to have a good time and share a little aloha.

Alternatively, you might want to check with a local bar about joining their pre-game festivities...normally a few beers and snacks, a bus ride to the game and a tailgate party. Magoos University, Red Lion, and Legends would be good bets to check-out.


70%/30% on getting to the game this year.

Amber, I%26#39;ll be pulling for the 70% side; Good Luck!

Erin, A little more perspective that subsequently filtered through my small %26amp; fuzzy memory bank:

1)Did receive a ';welcome package'; that included a canvas bag, T-shirt, pennant and hat pin. Imagine they still hand-out something similar.

2)We were standing around chatting with two other couples. One of the Ladies had just observed: ';looks like Doug Flutie isn%26#39;t going to be here (suspect that was my Wife%26#39;s primary interest). A group of NFL Cheerleaders made a grand entrance and another of the wives made a ';time to leave ?'; suggestion/command. When all three guys protested, my better-half said ';let%26#39;s go get BBQ at the stadium';, whereupon all three of us guys (in a pavlov%26#39;s dog frenzy) responded: ';Great Idea!';.

Would second Amber%26#39;s pre-game strategy, but if you see tickets to the party on eBay, or the streets of Waikiki at a reasonable price, don%26#39;t think you%26#39;d be going too far astray.

In any event, enjoy yourselves. Never been when it wasn%26#39;t a beautiful day, nobody takes things too seriously, and the people watching is among the best in the sports world.

Thanks for the additional;s John Elway who would be more than worth the price of admission for me!

Yeah Erin! Go BRONCOS!

My dad used to take me to Granada Hills High to see him (John Elway) play in the late 70%26#39;s. Also saw him play at Stanford.

We%26#39;ll be there in Feb having our own tailgate party. Hope we see you there!



Short notice, but just found out that the Pro Bowl ';Selection Show'; will be on ESPN today @ 7PM EST.

For what it%26#39;s worth, here you go slarge....

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