Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Best restaurant to get in the spirit on first night

I have read here that Banyan Court, Lu Lu%26#39;s or Tiki%26#39;s are good choices. We are going to Duke%26#39;s later in the week. Any help deciding would be greatly appreciated. We will be a mix of 20 somethings, parents and grandparents.

Best restaurant to get in the spirit on first night

i made reservations for tikis for our first night. it sounds like a restaurant that will really get us into the hawaiian spirit. there%26#39;s six of us in our group it i heard that reservations are recommended.have fun!!

Best restaurant to get in the spirit on first night

Not trying to curb your enthusiasm, but the first day is a long day and you might want to play it by ear. I am sure the 20 somethings would be ready to go, but the grandparents might not. Also depends on whether one could catch some sleep on the flight over.

It might not be as big a concern for you if you live closer to the airport than we are, but we typically have to wake up at 3AM to get to the airport for the first leg of the flight (8AM). When dinner time rolls around in Hawaii, say 6PM, it definitely feels every minute like 11PM (East Coast time) for us. So we just eat something quick from Zippy%26#39;s, very uniquely Hawaiian. Or perhaps eat at International Market Place foodcourt so everyone can choose what they like to eat. If people are tired afterwards they can head back to the hotel, while others can do a little bar hopping or shopping right there.

The food court does sound like a good idea becasue the location is central to where we all are staying. Thanks for the tip. I think that will work out great. We leave early Dec. 26th and it will be a very long day!


Moose%26#39;s was a big hit with everyone in the group. Thanks for the tip!

I always go to Cheeseburger in Paradise my first night there. It is quite convienient to the hotels. Good food, and entertainment nightly.

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