Friday, March 30, 2012

Any info appreciated

Well the time draws near and I%26#39;m able to get excited now. My husband and I will finally see for ourselves... the beauty of Maui.

We are so ready to go, but we have to wait til February.

We are considering bringing our laptop,

however we are not sure if WIFI is available in Maui, and if so is it free like it is here at most bookstores and some restaurants.

Otherwise, would there be any info on internet cafes. I know we are on vacation and should not concern ourselves with the internet, we just want to send pictures home to our loved ones as soon as we take them.

Also, if anyone has toured the Tedeschi Vineyards, could you tell us if it%26#39;s worth the trip to tour it?

Anyway, it is cold, gray and damp here in Wisconsin and the sooner we get to Maui the the warmer and happier we%26#39;ll be:)

Any info appreciated

Wifi has become more ubiquitous in Maui the past year. Many of the cafes such as Live Wire have Internet access (Bad Asss may too). I am not sure if WiFi or just terminals.

Also, check with your hotel/condo to see if they have internet access. While they may not have it in each room, it is often available in hotel lobbies.

Any info appreciated

I really enjoyed our short visit to the Tedeschi winery. We stopped after our drive from Hana. I thought the grounds were very lovely - reminded me more of the California vineyard area rather than Hawaii, though you could see the ocean in the distance. It would be the perfect place for a picnic. We didn%26#39;t do an actual tour, but stopped in their visitor center, tasted wine, and looked at the pictures, which I really enjoyed - lots of history on the walls! I found it very relaxing, but that might not be what you are looking for. Just depends on what activities you are interested in while you are on Maui. Have a great trip! :)

Cafe Caffe in Dolphin Plaza in Kihei has free WiFi, techincally with purchase, meaning if you want to sit there and use it, you have to buy something. Parking there is really bad though. New gaming center in Azeka will open next week and they are advertising free WiFi in their lounge area, complete with leather recliners. No strings, as far as I can tell. They are called Versus, next to Baskin Robbins.

We have Clearwire here now too, for those who use that.

Tedechi might be worth it, but that would up to you to decide. It is a long drive and a short winery tour, given twice a day. Wine tastings are all day, and of only but a few varieties. But the drive is beautiful and the tour will give you a lot of Maui history. Kalakaua kept a cottage at`Ulupalakua and you can see the very trees under which he held hula competitions while visiting there. I love it up there and take visitors often. Some like it, some don%26#39;t. Only you can decide if it is worth it to you.

Thank you all for the info.

I think the winery sounds right up our alley.

We definitely will have a picnic lunch and enjoy the surroundings.

As far as the WIFI goes we found out we have access right at the B%26amp;B where we are staying, Waiola Vacation Paradise in Lahaina.

We are sooooo ready to get out of Dodge.

I need sinshine.

Lylemonster: was that a typo or are you planning on sinshine - thought you had to go to Vegas for that! :) I know how much I need sunshine this time of year!! I also stayed in Lahaina and what fun that was - it%26#39;s so handy to walk to all the restaurants, shops, and all the happenings in Lahaina. Have a wonderful time on your trip to Maui! :)

LOL coalminer :)

I guess I%26#39;m really looking forward to some fun

Not sure what sinshine is, but I%26#39;ll have fun finding out.

I enjoyed the wine tasting at the Tedeschi Vineyard especially the raspberry wine. Yummy! The ladies pouring the wine were very pleasant.

Also, if you get a chance, have a burger at the ranch store across the street. They make it with their own Maui beef on a grill out on the patio; it was really delicious.

Thanks sweetybeety

That just may save us from packing a cooler

for our picnic.

We are always looking for the best burger place here in Milwaukee, usually followed by an ice cold beer. We%26#39;ll have find a wine to pair with our burgers.

If you enjoy wine, yes the vineyards were worth it. Agree with other poster, must stop at the store across the road.

Thanks passline68

Do you happen to know what else is in the area.

We do not want to trespass unless it%26#39;s OK to hike in this area, we%26#39;d love to explore it a bit.

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