Friday, March 30, 2012

What Islands to hit during 2 week visit?

My hubby and I are starting to plan a two week visit in June/July to celebrate our 5 year anniversary. We stayed at the Lodge at Koele for our honeymoon and absolutely loved the quiet, laid-back time.

For this visit, we would like to see a more %26#39;typical%26#39; Hawaii; lush green foliage, waterfalls, and perfect, swim-able beaches, but still would like a restful, laid-back vacation.

At first we thought to hit Oahu, but I think the only thing we are truly interested in seeing there is Pearl Harbor, since we aren%26#39;t big on a hopping night life.

So, my question is where to go? Two islands seems perfectly do-able, but is three pushing it? We don%26#39;t need wild and crazy or a lot of kids, just a beautiful location, a choice of activites, and peace and quiet when we crave it.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

What Islands to hit during 2 week visit?

Oops! Sorry for the double post!

What Islands to hit during 2 week visit?

We just got back from a 10 day visit to Hawaii and did three islands without any problems. We did Oahu, Big Island and Maui. If you are just wanting to see Pearl Harbor stay one night on Oahu or just go over for the day.

If you want relaxation, yes, 3 islands in two weeks is pushing it. However, since you%26#39;ll probaby have to fly into Honolulu, stay there for a night, see Pearl Harbor, and fly on to another island.

For ';typical'; Hawai%26#39;i, any of the other major islands will give you this. (Even Oahu has beautiful, non-urban areas.) My personal favorite is Kaua%26#39;i. Very laid back, beautiful beaches and scenery, enough to do to keep you as busy as you want. Maui is a close second, busier, more crowded (but not ';city'; crowded) and you can really get away from it all with a stay in Hana. I also like the Hilo side of the Big Island, and Hawai%26#39;i Volcanos National Park. I haven%26#39;t spent time Kona-side in years, so I really can%26#39;t speak to that.

Hawaiidan? Can you chime in here?

Rather than go to major islands, you might try what we did one year on a two week vacation. We stayed on Maui and made the ferry trips to Lanai and Molokai, and hit Oahu for a couple days on the way back to the Mainland (to see Pearl Harbor). We didn%26#39;t have to pack and move, and the island of Molokai (since you%26#39;ve already been to Lanai) is very different from the other islands. If you make Maui your headquarters you need to get used to a little less laid back pace than Lanai, but it does have all the other ingredients...rainforests, waterfalls, great beaches. The next year we spent time on Kauai and the Big Isle, it was a wonderful contrast between those two.

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