Boy, did we luck out on New Years eve at Pearl Harbor. We started the day at Maui, having finished up a _wonderful_ week there, and had a layover in Oahu before our long non-stop home. We landed at 1:30 and after some false starts, found a taxi to Pearl Harbor.
From people%26#39;s comments here, I held little-to-no hope of making it out to the memorial, but I thought we might at least see the museum.
We walked up at about 2:25, and believe it or not, could have gotten tickets for the 2:30 show and boat trip. We opted for the 3:00 and thus got to see the museum for a half hour before the movie and the boat trip.
It was the last one of the day (and of 2005, for that matter). It was very moving (my recently deceased dad was in the Navy during the war, although not at Pearl Harbor) and a perfect, beautiful day.
From what I gather, this is _not_ a typical experience (no waiting), so please don%26#39;t plan on just showing up in the afternoon most days, but I just thought I%26#39;d pass on my good luck.
PS- Just to make this even more unbelievable, we flew non-stop Honolulu to Minneapolis in _under 6 hours_! At one point, the info screen they had up after the movie said we were going 643 mph- I didn%26#39;t believe commercial airliners could go this fast, but we must have hit the jet stream. Or the display was wrong- but we did actually end up arriving over an hour early. (I swear I%26#39;m not making any of this up!)
Lucky side trip to Pearl Harbor
Actually, looking at my math, it may have been under _seven_ hours, not six (leaving roughly 6:30 PM, arriving before 5 AM minus 4 hours time zone change.)
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