Friday, March 30, 2012

Christmas on Big Island

Our family (Kids 12,13,15) will be travelling to Hawaii (first timers) the last week of December (23-30). Staying at Fairfield Kona Village. Been reading the must do lists. We want a combination of ';doing it all '; and ';nada'; within limited budget. In planning activities, are there considerations of attractions that close down or limit hours over holiday, area cultural celebrations to not miss and where is good place for Catholic worship on Christmas Eve? Thanks!

Christmas on Big Island

Since this is a timeshare property they offer visitors very good discounts off a lot of activities if they go to a '; presentation';.

you can save about 30 to 40 % off tour lists

Visitors are the #1 economy here and we depend on your partonage. Few if any tours will be closed or limited.

This is also our highest season in terms ov visitation and prices.... prices can go up 20 to 50% during this period.

You will need to reserve well in advance for the better tours and activities...

Water will be in the mid to low 70%26#39;s Rain will be sparce, Sky blue.....

You will be close to Keauhou and it is the water sports center with tours to Capt cook, Manta ray Dive, and the snorkel beach at Kahlulu....

Keauhou shopping center has the best local markets and fun restaurants. Kona has a bunch too. The farmers market will be less than a mile in Alii drive ( closed M/Tu)

St Michales is closest to you and will have a Midnight mass....

it is 1.5 miles north on alii drive....

That would be my it is the largest here and has a great group..... even me, in the parish.

Hope this helps

Christmas on Big Island

Aloha Scremer, I don%26#39;t now how many CHristmas%26#39;s HD has spent in Hawaii but I have been there many times and believe me it can rain hard. Always be prepared for rain in the islands.

Hey Hawaiidan, thanks for the tips. Question, although this may soound crazy... our parish has a ';midnight'; mass which actually starts at 9pm. How about St. Micheals? Is it really midnight? Do you have a children%26#39;s Christmas Eve mass at all? This is our first ever vacation over a major holiday and I really want to keep our celebration of Christ%26#39;s birth in focus. Thank you ! What%26#39;s your weather looking like? We%26#39;ll be in Oahu Thursday and BI Friday! Can%26#39;t wait. Also, any good suggestions for surfing instruction for 13 yr old boy in the Kona area?

Merry Christmas!

I will have to check on the masses.....

The weather will be very nice and dry...both now and historicaly

This is dry time.... it rained for an hour a week ago at night...ok. It has cooled off a bit the ocean is still at 80 and day temps are 83 to 84 while it dips to 69 to 70 at night at sea level

Over on the stormy east side of the island ( Hilo and Hammakua to Volcano), gets a lot of rain dumped on it constantly. However it does rain some at higher elevations due to cooling on the Kona side but very very little.

The area of Capt Cook south is also a rather wet area. The Kohala Coast gets less than 10 inches a year, most in the summer and thats why the resorts built there.

Kona is one of the two sunniest places on the island..for get the nay-sayers who frequent the areas away from the resorts and beaches.

As for surfing head south from your condo to Kahalulu beach by the Outrigger, there is a surf spot for beginners and a surf school too.

Let me know if I can help furthur

Mahalo for your advice! St. Michaels church is very welcoming. Beautiful stained glass. I was moved by the young woman who did an interpretive hula dance after communion at the early Christmas eve mass. Hapuna beach was an awesome boogie board experience. Captain Cook snorkeling was amazing and Kahalulu was closed one day due to the surf, but we made it a later time and loved seeing all the turtles. Kids opted to boogie board instead of surfing and still had oodles of fun. Place of Refuge worth seeing. Drive to Volcano Park was....nauseating. Take dramamine for the back seaters. We stopped at a local mart part way there..they had a wonderful mural painted on the side, stared at that for about an hour while the kids laid on the grass! Black sand beach was gorgeous. Took flashlights and walked all the way into Thurston lava your head! Had a great time. Wonderful people all around! Want to come back..without kids and see all the out of the way beauty! Aloha!

it still has not rained at the beach....and it is well past new years, Kahalulu is still closed due to big swellls and a 2.2 tide.. there was sand in the parking lot by the Ourtgger this morning and on Alii drive

it may rain lightly tomorrow night... it is almost drought conditions and we are getting brush Fires to the south end of the island.

glad ,some of my comments helped you....pass on the kindness to some other.....

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