Monday, April 23, 2012

2 day itinerary..first timer

We%26#39;re staying in Maui for 6 days in June and arriving in Oahu at 12:30 pm (fri). We leave the next day at 8:00 pm. It%26#39;ll be our first time there. Staying at Hilton Hawaiian. Here%26#39;s the itinerary I%26#39;ve come up with so far. I need some help, please!!

Day 1:

-Arrive 12:30, check in hotel, lunch at Zippy%26#39;s??

-Take theBus to Diamond Head Crater, allow 1-2 hrs for this.

-Is there a good souvenir shop on way to hotel via bus?

-return to hotel, enjoy beach!!, shower, walk Waikiki Beach

-dinner at Cheeseburger in Paradise

Day 2:

-6am take theBus (60-75 min. trip each way) to Pearl Harbor, allow 2 hrs to see USS Arizona.

then what??????????

Dinner: Hard Rock Cafe maybe around 5%26#39;ish

6pm-go to airport

I really want to swim inLanikai Beach and see the North Shore.

Can we take theBus from Pearl Harbor to Lanikai and North Shore? How long is the trip each way? Which route do we take?

It seems like a lot of time is wasted on bus route, more than it would take by car.

or.... do we rent a car?

Can we rent it Day 2 near our hotel? I want to spend as little as possible, any suggestions?

What order would you visit Lanikai and North Shore in with a car from Pearl Harbor? How long will it take?

I really learn a lot from this forum. Thanks in advance for all your input.


2 day itinerary..first timer

North Shore is about 35 minutes or so from Pearl Harbor in a rental car, without stops. I am not sure what it would be on the Bus. On such a limited schedule there is no way I would try this one on the bus! Both Budget and Alamo have rental car facilities within Waikiki.

I am thinking that Lanikai is on the east side of the island. In this case, I do not think you would have sufficent time to do both North Shore and Lanikai. Unless you just want to look and not relax at all on the beach and then it is doable. However, the east side of the island has some fabulous beaches and there is no way I could just drive by! (However, since you will have spent 6 days in Maui, perhaps this will not bother you.)

In order for your schedule to work, you will have to leave for Pearl Harbor right at 6:00 am. I have been to Pearl Harbor twice. Both times we arrived at 7:45, and both times we were not out of there until after noon.

If you are determined to fit all in, I would go to Pearl Harbor, North on H1 to the North Shore. Then I would take the road east around to Lanikai. Then you can cut back over on H3 back to Honolulu. If you do this make sure you stop at the Pali Outlook Point for a fabulous view. In a car if there is little traffic, 35-45 minutes from Pearl Harbor to North Shore. I know from the North Shore to Kailua it is about 45-60 minutes (traffic depending.) And from Kailua to Honolulu (over H3) about another 30-35 minutes.

Your evening in Oahu---make sure and take some time for a sunset drink at Duke%26#39;s---a must do for Oahu.

Cheeseburger in Paradise is an excellent choice! I love it. But I gotta tell you that the food at the Hard Rock is less than steller. It was actually pretty gross. I have been to Hard Rocks in LA, Maui, Chicago, New Orleans, Nashville and Memphis and usually the food is okay. Not so at the Honolulu one. Consider just looking at the memorbilia, rather than eating there.

2 day itinerary..first timer

probably at least 1 hr on THEBUS

but could be a dab better if going in the AM when most

traffic is headed townside.

while at the Arizona (unless your 2 hours is part of plan)

you could check out the Bowfin the USS Missouri.

good choice on the zippy%26#39;s idea and the rest of dining plans.

For Day 2 better to rent a car. It won%26#39;t cost much and will make a big difference.

I guess from Pearl harbor you would do north shore first then Lanikai, but they are like on opposide sides of the island so this will take a while.

To get from North shore to Lanikai, H3 is probably faster but that%26#39;s not where the Pali lookout is. Head back toward Waikiki on the H1 and then take the Pali Highway.


Just curious....have you got your itinerary all set? My fiance and I are going to Maui for 6 days in June also. We%26#39;ll arrive in Oahu on Fri. morning.....depart Sat. afternoon. We too are trying to figure out possible ways to see and do as much as possible in such a short amount of time! We want to do Pearl Harbor and Diamond Head for sure. Someone suggested swimming with dolphins at the Waikiki Aquarium or Ocean Center. (can%26#39;t remember the exact name) We%26#39;re staying at Sheraton Princess Kaiulani and not planning on renting a car.

Also, if the flight out leaves at 3:25, what time should we be at the airport? Is 2 hours prior to departure actually necessary? Thanks so much in advance to anyone who has ideas/suggestions!

Re: going to Diamond Head after 12:30. Assuming you mean 12:30 in the afternoon (which I%26#39;m pretty sure you do), you may have to be prepared for a hot hike. This trip we are hoping to go up Diamond Head. As a result, I%26#39;ve been reading the related posts, and most say either go early in the morning or later in the afternoon (around 4:00), since there is no shade on this walk. I would imagine that going in the middle of the afternoon could make the hike more difficult. Plus, if you are taking TheBus, there is more of a walk than if you have a car because you have to get from the road to the parking lot. We are only renting a car for 2 days of our one week trip and have already decided that we will use one of those days to go up Diamond Head. Anyways, just a thought as a way to make the hike more comfortable.


Note: I have never made it to the hotel within 2 hours of my flight landing (wait for luggage, wait for transpertation, traffic, etc.).

With only 31.5 hours on Oahu why waste time with The Bus? I mean you have more planned then laying on the beach waiting to go to the airport, right?

If it were me and I wanted to make the most of my time on Oahu (Hit the sights you have listed) I would rent a car and go straight to Pearl Harbor (the airport and Pearl Harbor are practicly right next to each other). Pick up lunch in route or wait and see how much time you have before your program begins. Once finished it%26#39;s time to check into the hotel, hit the beach, eat some dinner (I like The Shore Bird Bar and Grill in the Outrigger Reef Hotel).

Next morning, up early (which is easy to do seeing back home the day is almost half over) to get some breakfast before heading up Diamond Head (Park gates open at 6 a.m. but I would shot for 8ish). Then back to the hotel, clean up, check out (leave the car parked for now). Wander around Waikiki a bit, head to International Market Place for some souvenir shopping, eat lunch. Now get the car and take the long way around to North Shore stopping for pictures along the way. In Haleiwa, I like Pizza Bob%26#39;s (they have a great burger) the Aoki%26#39;s for Shave Ice (Volcano is the best).

Also, I would get to the airport about 2 hours before flying to another Island. The Inter Island Terminal always seems so crowded. Of course I am a ';get there early=less stress'; kind of guy.

Have a great and just have fun with what ever you do. I swear my watch runs so much faster when I%26#39;m there, before I know it it%26#39;s time to go home.

I really should learn to proof read my posts before hitting the button.

Thanks everyone for your input. I used your opinions and my trusty Oahu Revealed to fine tune my itinerary.

AR Rock, here%26#39;s my revised itinerary. Hope it helps. If you don%26#39;t have Oahu Revealed, RUN to the bookstore right now!!!!

Day 1:

Arrive at 12:30, pick up rental car at airport, check in HHV.

Lunch: hotel?

Drive on 72 to Ala Moana Beach, Spitting Cave of Portlock, Kahana Beach, Hanauma Bay, Holona Blowhole, Kailua Beach, Lanikai Beach (stop to swim, snorkel, take pictures, etc.)

Return to Waikiki via Pali Highway (lookout)

Shower, walk to Waikiki Beach,

Dinner: Cheesecake Factory

-visit Hard Rock Caf锟斤拷 and get memorabilia

Walk Waikiki Beach

Day 2:

*6:30 am - drive to Pearl Harbor-take tour,

*Drive to North Shore via H3

Stops: La锟斤拷锟絠e Point, Sunset Beach, Sharks Cove, Waimea Bay, Turtle Beach (stop for Shave Ice %26amp; Chocolate Company)

*return via 99

*5 pm hospitality suite for shower/change

*Dinner: 6-7:30 pm Cheeseburger in Paradise

*7:30 pm Drive to airport

I leave for Maui this Sunday. I am so excited!!!!!!!!


sorry, it%26#39;s ARBride, not ARRock. I%26#39;m too excited to focus.

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