Monday, April 23, 2012

june trip report

First timers and we loved it. Stayed at the Maui Banyon for 10 days. It was very clean, plenty big. Easy access to pool which was never crowded and had three big gas grills there that were cleaned daily. Great tennis coourts and very nice security. Only downer was we were on the 3rd floor without an elavator - esp sucked on luggage days.

Snorkeled on Trade Winds II - boat was great crew was fantastic - food and booze flowing - easy access in and out of water - only downside there are so many boats going to the same location the area you snorkel in is a little small without a lot of fish - but it was still beatiful. Ventured to Kannapali beach and snorkeled off on big rock or black rock - don%26#39;t remember name - and saw just as much.

Used Cruiser Phil%26#39;s - they were extremely professional. I reconfirmed the night before becasue I added a person from five to six a month earlier - Talked to Phil himself and he only had the five but I read him the e-mail and got us all on no problem. Some people said before we went that tbhey would perfer not to be in a group - I liked having the van behind us blocking traffic and the security of knowing if anything happened there was help on both ends. Our guide said we were going at times 35 mph. I thought I would be scared but I found it extremely enjoyable and would reccommend it to anyone who can ride a bike - we ranged from ages 14 to 60 and there were no problems. Did not take the sunrise tour - I heard half the time its covered in clouds and it is much colder - we were just fine getting picked up at 7:30am as opposed to 2:00a.m.!

Did the road to Hana - enjoyed it but I wouldn%26#39;t do it again. The ride up the road is long - and you have to concentrate a lot. It was beautful but we couldn%26#39;t swim in the seven sacred pools at tne end - the tide was too strong. Went all the way around instead of turning around - I would definitely reccomend that - saves and hour and a half and we did it in a minivan. It%26#39;s a long day - I enjoyed it but there were six of us so we didn%26#39;t spulunk too much. Used Maui revealed and listened to a cd - they work well together. Ate at Charlues - which is Wille Nelson%26#39;s place we didn%26#39;t know that at the time - it was very good.

Saw Woody HArrelson - brush with greatness

Also ate at Hula grill, LuLu%26#39;s, Cheeseburger ion PAradise, maui tacos, a sports bar, life%26#39;s a beach, kobe steak house and some Italina place that had amore in it next to Life%26#39;s a beach. All were great.

Did the Old Lahina Luau - show was fabo, food good but the dreinks no matter how much booze was in it were all too sweet - stuck with beer - it worked fine. Great sunset.

Big Beach was great for body surfing. the Kam beaches are perfect for sitting and watching the sunset. Just down the road they did surf lessons - my son caught some nice waves - water was beautiful no matter where we went.

Only thing that kind of sucked is when we left we flew to Kona and there was a problem with the plane and we had to stay overnight - United put us up at a place I wouldn%26#39;t have stayed at with only a small food allotment and made us stand in line the next day for 31/2 hours to be rebooked in manually - the airport is outside - all of our chocolate nuts were melted. If we had to stay another night in Maui I would have loved it - but Kona was dirty - hot - flies and rude United workers - it sucked to end such a perfect trip on a downer but that%26#39;s life.

I almost forgot to tell you my kids bought me a massage that comes to you as a mothers day gift - they came straight ot the condo set up the table -I had a hawain massage - and felt like a million bucks - that was definitely the way to start the vacation.

Hope I was helpful - I know I enjoyed reading reports before I left. mahalo

june trip report

Thanks, great report. I am so excited, we leave Saturday. I have never seen a celebrity on Maui although the foodland people in Kihei tell me Clint Eastwood comes in all the time.

I have of people who love Kona and people who hate it. Aren%26#39;t the Kam beaches great? We will be staying on Kam 2 for our first week.

Glad you had a great trip, sorry you had to return.

june trip report

Where can you spulunk on the road to Hana ?

Bud, Do you read all the posts hoping that you will get to mock someone for making what YOU consider a mistake? What a sad little hobby you have.

Enjoyed your report.

Oh, and Also, great trip report, the massage sounds perfect. I wanted to do one on the beach but we never found a salon that would do one next to the water. Maybe next time...

foodland people in Kihei tell me Clint Eastwood comes in all the time.

Yep, I used to babysit for his niece and I am still trying to get them to take me along to ';Uncle Clint%26#39;s place on Maui';. Even though the kids are grown, surely they still need their babysitter!!!

Sorry to hear about your snafu with United. You%26#39;re right, a bummer of a way to end the trip. I%26#39;m flying United as well, so I hope I fare better.

But, at least the rest of your trip sounded great!

Mauihereicome, obviously you don%26#39;t know the meaning of ';spelunking';. My question was a serious inquiry and was not meant to mock anybody.

You should try spelunking sometime. And you should not be so quick to criticize. Your apology is accepted.

Haha, why on earth would my question have given you an excuse to question my intelligence? I know what it means but dont know why you were trying to needle the poster. Oh wait......yes I do. And so do you.


Our friend from Molokai is working on terminating the bug.

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