I am so happy, only four more days of working out. I desperately need a gym break, am so burned out. My old body needs a rest badly.
I always bring gym clothes to maui thinking I will at least run and I never do, this time I am not bringing them. Not even my running shoes. If I decide I want to (which I know I won%26#39;t) I%26#39;ll just buy some there!
Besides, I agree with what someone else said, snorkeling is excercise!
4 more Gym days before Maui
GYM DAYS! Get ahold of yourself girl! I am the queen of finding excuses not to go to the gym! And now, as a reward, I have to buy new, larger clothes!!!! I need Fitz. There is nothing to wear in any of the stores in this town. I hit our version of a Macys yesterday determined to pay full price, or whatever it took, to get a new outfit. I couldn%26#39;t find anything, finally settled on a capri set that I get wear to work and now reallize I don%26#39;t have any shoes to go with it.
Leave yer gym clothes home. Swim and call if good enough. All it takes is a strong current that you have to fight to get back in to shore and you have a complete workout!
4 more Gym days before Maui
Where has Fitz been? I need to tell him about my new slippahs!
I%26#39;ve been doing pilates, and it%26#39;s kicking my ';tush';.... it was the boyfriends idea, then he wonder%26#39;s why I%26#39;m tired after working all day, then hitting the gym... then he has enough nerve to say, ';what%26#39;s for dinner, babe';?
Hula, good for you, the gym will be there when you get back!
Im Here, Im Here....What about the new Slippahs?
Chico, You need to come to L.A. to have a shoping trip here. Or maybe you can come to San Fran over the 4th weekend, since I will be there. We could do some real damage there.
Fitz! I will be close to San Fran.... the Napa Valley!
Help! I wandered into the Koret and Alfred Dunner section yesterday! It was really scary. I almost started touching the clothes!
My fav slippahs, after my trusty brown plastic ones, are my lime green Okabashi%26#39;s from Longs, $9.98 us. They are so comfy!
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