Monday, April 23, 2012

Digital camera question

Has anyone ever had problems with their memory cards and the metal detectors at airports? I know to avoid putting it in the checked luggage, but should I ask for a hand inspection at security as well? This is the first time I%26#39;ve used our new digital camera for vacation and I want to take every precaution to make sure our pics are not screwed up. Thanks.

Digital camera question

We have been putting our digital camera and cards to in the checked luggage for several years and we have never had a problem.

I was told that since the media is electronic rather than film, x-ray was not a factor.

Digital camera question

I was going to ask the same question but about regular cameras and film. I always put my camera in my carryon but can film be left in the checked luggage without being harmed?

My understanding is that both exposed AND unexposed print film can be damaged by X-ray.

Film will not be harmed by going through the xray machine unless it is 800 or higher speed. Do NOT check it however, as those machines are different.

My 200 sensitivity film was damaged in one airport during screening. They have different xrays intensity in every airport. I would take both digital and good film camera to use in the trip.

I have never had any problems and I use 200 or 400. We do carryone all of our film though.

I carry my digital camera on - with extra cards and batteries in the case - with and without photos stored - no problems whatsoever. Daughter%26#39;s cosmetic bag (trip to Seattle) causes more concern for the TSA guys than the camera ever does!

I came back from a trip with 2 memory cards full. Had both in the carryon as I would rather have the camera with me. One card was fine and the other had lost all its data. Don%26#39;t know how it happened, but from then on I always stop at a 1-hour lab and get all of the pictures transferred to CD before I come home just to be on the safe side. There was probably a way to recover the data, but I didn%26#39;t know how at that time.

Do NOT ever put your film in checked luggage. The checked bags are bombarded with much higher levels of X-Rays.

As for digital media, there should not be a problem, unless it somehow gets a direct electrical shock. (static electricity)

The reason film gets ruins as opposed to digital media is that film can be damaged by exposure to light and other invisible rays. Digital media is usually only harmed by an electrical charge. That%26#39;s why some digital cards survived the tsunami in Asia.

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