Monday, April 23, 2012

Surfing for 50?

My husband, though not thrilled with my addiction to these forums, does have a question . . .

Which islands have waves for surfing . . . BEGINNER? Is surfing hard? Can a 50 yr old learn?

I%26#39;m amused by this question, but will be anxious to see your replies!

Surfing for 50?

A 50 year old is far too old to attempt surfing !

Surfing for 50?

I respectfully disagree w/Budweiser. But will add that it really depends on the 50 yr old. If the person is fat/out of shape/can%26#39;t swim/has excessive health problems and etc, then it may not be a great idea. But, every day I see surfers 50+ out catching waves and quite a few of them are kooks. (beginners)

I am 51. I have been skydiving since I was 28, I have tried surfing, don%26#39;t care for it, but I do like windsurfing, waterskiing and boogie boarding.

On Maui, go to Ho%26#39;okipa point up past Paia, you will see surfers and windsurfers of all ages and abilities and body types.

please try not to stereotype. I am actually better at 51 than I was at 38-48. I am in better shape and having more fun.

Wouldn%26#39;t the same apply to a 25 year who is fat/out of shape/can%26#39;t swim/has excessive health problems and etc ??

Thanks for the feedback!

shape - - rounder than we used to be! ;)

Seriously though, decent shape. We%26#39;re avid scuba divers but he wanted to try something new.

On Kauai or BI any suggestions for lessons?


Ok, you got me. Same applies for ALL---but the question was for a 50 yr old so that%26#39;s how I answered it.


When are you going? BI doesn%26#39;t have the surf breaks the others have---so I%26#39;d say Kauai. Posters that live on those islands will be of more help tho. Tell your hubby to try it if he wants. But, what if he gets hooked?! Not much surf in Fort Worth! Though, I%26#39;ve heard off Galveston........

we%26#39;re going June 24 - 2 wks in Kauai, then 1 wk on the Big Island.

You%26#39;re right - - Eagle Mtn Lake or Lake Worth don%26#39;t afford much surfing!! :)

You can learn to surf at any age, with the right attitude and determination.

We taught our uncle when he was in his early 40%26#39;s.

(Between now and then, start doing alot of pushups and skateboarding downhill.)

In his 40%26#39;s ???? Wow !! How did the poor old guy survive? I mean that is about the same age as old guys like Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens or almost as old as Nolan Ryan was when he retired from major leagure baseball.

Thanks for caring Budweiser!

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