I know what everyone says about getting excited as the days to Hawaii draw near, but I honestly am not. I think I have actually hit Pre-hawaii burnout. Didn%26#39;t think I would really get too deep in it but it has happened.
Trying to come up with some ideas to get the spark back again but each time I think about some other plans for hawaii I feel distracted or tired. The bad thing about this is that I still need to do some planning for this trip and I am afraid my doldrums will make me forget something I need to do to make it a great trip. Anyone with any suggestions please feel free to comment.
8 business days left before Maui and not too excited.
Maybe a little less planning, and a little more relaxing. We do not have a single activity booked. We will be doing the Molikini/turtle town dive trip, and I hope to do a few dives. Other than that, we are playing it by ear.
I hope to meet up with a few of the folks from this board for a MaiTai or LavaFlow. Other than that, We will just be exploring, relaxing, and enjoying the beauty.
I really don%26#39;t want a vacation from my vacation. I work hard at home and at work. I don%26#39;t want to work hard at my vacation.
So what if you forget something. Purchase it in Maui if it is important.
8 business days left before Maui and not too excited.
I have never planned anything prior to arriving in Maui, and it has never been a problem getting anything booked. You don%26#39;t need to plan that far ahead. Just book it when you get there, and you will be just fine.
you%26#39;re emotionally flat because you need a vacation! don%26#39;t work at getting a ';spark'; back, it will happen when it happens - probably when you%26#39;re on the plane to Hawaii. stop making plans for the vacation, don%26#39;t even try. no worries, it will all be great. if there is something that absolutely Must be planned before you arrive, wait 24 hrs before you tackle it - give yourself a break. have a mai tai - now. have a fun trip.
WhAT!!! oh no! hey, if you decide you don%26#39;t want to go I get bids on your tickets.
seriously its too bad you are at a low, but you%26#39;ll get the ';fun attitude'; back again. probably just too overwhelming. smile, deep breath, glass of wine (if you drink at all) and soon you%26#39;ll be amongst the atmosphere none of us can resist, being all laid back. something about hawaii just seeps into your bones and allows that island time sensation to gather. aloha rocdoc. it%26#39;ll get better.
rocdoc--stop planning. Hopefully your list is made and you can check it twice with little thought. Honestly, the pre-burnout is not unusually and the moment you step foot in Maui, it will go away. Have a blast!
On second thought, find a place that will make you a lava flow before your trip at home---perhaps that will put you in the Aloha mood:)
I agree, stop planning and just relax, if you worry about all the things you ';need'; or want to do you could ruin your vacation with stress.
I know where you are coming from.
I have a tendency to be an extensive planner. I was a boy scout (many, many years ago!) and the moto is ';be prepared';.
The advice to stop planning and relax is good, but I know it is hard to follow if you have always been a ';planner';.
I have a tendency to worry about everything that could go wrong, but you know what? Things usually always work out fine!
Have a great trip.
Rocdoc, I understand what you are saying about burnout. For me, with nearly a of year of researching, planning, talking, and thinking constantly of this trip, its like your on a great ';high'; while your doing it. But as much as I have enjoyed planning it can become emotionally draining. Its almost like an obsession. So now your reality is nearly here. Don%26#39;t think about anything other than getting over there and having a great time now. I like what I read from one poster on here, that it will all fall into place once your there. What are your dates on Maui? Some of us are trying to meet up for a cocktail. You should join us.
Hang in there you will be fine. I think about the long plane ride and get bummed but then when I et there it%26#39;s great. I don%26#39;t carry a wrist watch and operate on bywhat I want to do at the time. Aloha
The fact that you are counting the number of days in ';business days'; instead of total days indicates that you may be pre-occupied with your work. I never have time to get excited about going to Hawaii because I work until the last minute, but once I get on the plane the excitement kicks in !!
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