I feel so sorry for that family that has a missing daughter in Aruba. My heart breaks for them. My son went to Cancun for his Spring fling senior trip and I worried the whole time and he was a guy! Hawaii seems so much safer, especially for young girls, than those popular resorts. But is it too prohibitive in cost for most?
Just curious, do HS seniors go to Maui for springbreak?
MHI: There is no way on God%26#39;s green earth I would let my son or daughter go on a spring break beyond the local park for the afternoon unless I was to go to oversee things. I love my kids to much to turn loose of them. I did allow my youngest when he was 17 to go to Europe with his girl friends family. But again there was an adult to supervise. A high school senior has no business going anywhere unless there is a responsible adult to report to daily if not several times a day.
Just curious, do HS seniors go to Maui for springbreak?
Jeepers, I totally get where you are coming from but my son saved his own money and turned 18 before they left. Turns out legally, I couldnt stop him. And the trip was sponsored by some teachers but NOT sanctioned by the school. My oldest daughter had more sense and less money saved so she went with a girlfriend to St Louis! We paid for college without hesitation but we wouldnt cough up money for those kind of trips. ( thinking that would stop them from going....wrong again! )
I would imagine that Hawaii is spared that kind of influx of teenage libidos because of cost?
Hey MauiHere,
Natalee, the missing girl lives down the road from me here in Birmingham. It is all over the news here double the national air time. Its really sad. The community here has put yellow bows up here in her family%26#39;s support. She has a full academic scholarship to University of Alabama come this fall. I so hope she is still alive.
I understand being 18 thing. I was thankful that my boys seemed much more responsible then most kids their age. I never had a rebellious teanage on my hands. They could not understand kids who were. We had very few rules in our home. Our relationship with them was one of trust. If I could trust them they had control if I lost that trust then I had control. That did happen a couple of times and they hated life.
Oh and Jeeper you are exactly right. I had already told my daughter she wasn%26#39;t doing anything like that so don%26#39;t even think about it. She is only 11 now but I have already told her don%26#39;t even ever ask. A lot of the kids here go to Cancun. They get drunk and have no adult supervision. Some parents are fine with it but I want even let my girl on the computer yet to ';chat.'; She says I am the only mother like that but I tell her to bad.
Gotta let %26#39;em go sometime - as a senior in HS, they%26#39;re only a short step to college where there are more temptations, I daresay, than Hawaii. If they don%26#39;t have the proper values, self-respect and sense of self-preservation by then, they might never.
I feel education is better than denial - if something can be done safely, it should be allowable. Anything other, and it becomes a ';forbidden fruit'; and can cause problems later on (re: alcohol fatalities on 21st birthdays).
I wish for nothing but good news for the family of that Alabama girl.
We don%26#39;t see noticeable numbers of spring-breakers here. I guess it is too costly. My step-daughters do come out for their school breaks and always want to bring their friends and boyfriends, but there are only so many teenagers we can cram into our small 2-bedroom home.
TVG: Gotta let %26#39;em go sometime - as a senior in HS, they%26#39;re only a short step to college where there are more temptations, I daresay, than Hawaii. If they don%26#39;t have the proper values, self-respect and sense of self-preservation by then, they might never.
could not agree more!
%26lt;%26lt;Oh and Jeeper you are exactly right. I had already told my daughter she wasn%26#39;t doing anything like that so don%26#39;t even think about it. She is only 11 now but I have already told her don%26#39;t even ever ask. A lot of the kids here go to Cancun. They get drunk and have no adult supervision. Some parents are fine with it but I want even let my girl on the computer yet to ';chat.'; She says I am the only mother like that but I tell her to bad. %26gt;%26gt;
You can tell her that there are a few moms like you - me for one. My 12 yo isn%26#39;t allowed on the computer either. And mine won%26#39;t go on Spring Break trip either. Thank goodness they won%26#39;t be 18 so I can still stop them. %26lt;G%26gt;
%26lt;%26lt;Gotta let %26#39;em go sometime - as a senior in HS, they%26#39;re only a short step to college where there are more temptations, I daresay, than Hawaii. If they don%26#39;t have the proper values, self-respect and sense of self-preservation by then, they might never. %26gt;%26gt;
Well, I%26#39;ll bet Natalee Holloway%26#39;s parents would disagree. Their kid is a great student with a full scholarship awaiting her return. But look at what is happening now. Sometimes, smarts just isn%26#39;t enough. Sometimes, you need the experience to trust your instincts more. Most 18 yo%26#39;s think they are 10 feet tall and bullet proof. I hope this girl is alright but the fright of this situation should give all Spring Break parents pause. JMHO.
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