Monday, April 23, 2012

Only one more work day ...

I have one more day of work.

Then the fun begins.

I%26#39;m taking Tuesday off for last minute preparations. Well, OK, my wife will be doing most of the work. We%26#39;ve already established that. :)

Then we pick up my daughter as soon as she completes her last day of school and drive to my in-laws. My daughter is staying with them so my wife and I can have a real anniversary trip!

Then we fly out of Albany, NY bright and early Wednesday morning.

If all goes as planned, we will be on Oahu 6/15 - 6/21, the Big Island 6/21 - 6/28, and Maui 6/28 - 7/5.

Only one more work day ...

wow Puzzled! nice long vacation. have a great time! looking forward to your trip report when you get back.

Only one more work day ...

You and your wife will have so much time to be alone together. What a great sounding trip! Enjoy!

puzzled, have fun. I say this to everyone, but on Oahu, visit my fave beach Waminaloe (sp?) for me. I so am missing it. And have a lava flow! Aloha.

I meant to also thank everyone for all of their help.

Without this forum, how would I know all of the things to do (and not do), places to stay (and not stay), places to eat (and avoid)?

I learned about closures on the Road to Hana, special hikes offered, and ways to get through my long flight.

Also, I now know all about bikini waxing and women%26#39;s shoes!

OK, so maybe I won%26#39;t use those last two, but I have enjoyed reading all of you posts. It has helped these last few weeks pass by more quickly.

Thanks again!

Puzzled, have a great trip, see you there!

PuzzledinPA, have a great trip and stay safe. Let me know what it is like leaving from the east coast. Will be in Maui the same time as you so we may just bump into one another.

Signing off for now.

Only a few minutes before we drive off to my in-laws.


Puzzled, have a great %26amp; safe trip with your family. Look forward to reading your trip report.

To RocDoc (I noticed you are from Tampa area), we leave from Palm Beach Int%26#39;l on 6/22, the flight isn%26#39;t all that bad. We have a 8am flight to Dallas, then we fly straight into Kahului and arrive around 2:50pm. We usually sleep on the flight or watch the movie on flight and have some cocktails! We are so excited to get back home...

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