Wednesday, April 25, 2012

cant pack yet (suitcases are buried)

We are leaving next Saturday and my sister is using our spare bedroom for storage while she is moving, it is piled so high you cant even open the door and our suitcases are in a closet across the room. If I have to I will hurdle myself across the mountains of clothing and household items to get to them!

cant pack yet (suitcases are buried)

My wife is packing as I write this.

But, its better if I don%26#39;t help. I would just get in the way and should would end up asking me to leave anyway...

cant pack yet (suitcases are buried)


I noticed you are leaving the 15th, we are leaving the 18th. Where are you staying?

Huh? What does oink mean?

time for a garage sale?

I can hardly wait till she gets everything out of here. She had a few days before she closed on her new home and needed to store stuff. She%26#39;s divorced and raising her teenage daughter so money is tight for her, she doesn%26#39;t get rid of anything.

aloha Hula, you must not be a child of the 60%26#39;s, or you would understand what oink and MCP mean. :-)

Sorry, I%26#39;m not a child of the 60%26#39;s. I have no idea what it means.

Hula...Don%26#39;t want you to worry, but I am leaving town tonight, just for one night, and not bringing my laptop with me, as the hotel we are staying in charges $13 a day for internet. I will be back tomorrow afternoon.

mauna kea: I am a child of the 60%26#39;s and don%26#39;t know what oink means or MCP. Oink, to me, would mean pig and I hope that isn%26#39;t what you are saying to Hula?????

Hula: I get what you are saying. I have closets full of stuff that my grown daughters want but don%26#39;t have room to store. It drives me nuts! Right now, I am organizing a garage sale for next weekend to get rid of some of our own stuff. Too bad you didn%26#39;t think of the luggage before the stuff went in there, hey???

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