Monday, April 23, 2012

Marc Diamond Head Beach Hotel

Has anyone stayed at this Hotel? I am planning a trip late July and looking for a nice hotel in the 150.00 dollar range. I was on the home page of this hotel, location sounds nice..not sure about the property...please help

Marc Diamond Head Beach Hotel

Never been there, but Wow, this is really far away from everything in Waikiki (maybe that%26#39;s your desire). However, their website is sort of deceptive - the pictures make it seem as if they are secluded. In reality, the hotel is wedged in between two others. Check out this picture:…

Marc Diamond Head Beach Hotel

Yes, this hotel is actually across Kapiolani Park and the Honolulu Zoo, off of the Waikiki Strip, and, as the previous poster mentioned, is smack between to other hotels. one, I believe, us the W Honolulu. I%26#39;ve never stayed here, but Marc hotels in general are more of a ';budget'; chain of hotels,. and locals do not frequent them as much as say, the Outrigger/Ohana properties. If you want to stay in the midst of Waikiki, and do not mind being a block or so away from the beach, try the Ohana Waikiki West or the Ohana Waikiki East---both are within your price range and is walking distance to almost everything in town. I also receommend using Priceline, esp if it%26#39;s just you and another person in your party. For $150/nt, you may luck out with a 3-4 star or resort property right on the beach. For tips on how to bid strategically on Priceline, check out you inside tips on how to use the Priceline system to your best advantage (all legal, and approved by Priceline!). My friends got a 4 star for $135 back in May, so if I were you. I%26#39;d check it out. Another option is fact, I just checked Hotwire for July 25-29, and found a BEACHFRONT 3-1/2-STAR for $139/nt!!!! That%26#39;s for BEACHFRONT---crazy---go get it now!

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I do not recommend this hotel.

First, right now they%26#39;re doing major re-tiling work on the entire lanai. The lanai is one of the best features, and only the little lawn area is usable right now. Also, of course, it%26#39;s very very noisy.

Second, it%26#39;s a condohotel, and because it%26#39;s leasehold land (meaning the owners don%26#39;t own the land underneath), it%26#39;s the cheapest place in the area. Lots of people who otherwise couldn%26#39;t afford to buy in the area buy these units, and then rent them through the hotel for income when they%26#39;re not there. Great in theory, but the lower price means less $ is put into the units, generally.

Also, this hotel%26#39;s unit owners tend to be partiers. Don%26#39;t know why, but it seems to be so. So you have owners who are much noisier than the ideal neighbors, and nothing the hotel can do because they own their apartments.

Finally, there is a surf school that runs packages through there - rent a room with your surf tour package. The groups this brings in are often fine, but the added activity and the fun factor for the surf teachers to get hang out in a more expensive %26amp; oceanfront area mean that the character of the hotel is further downgraded to a more partying atmosphere. And since the units are part of packages, again, they%26#39;re not well-maintained.

Have you looked at the New Otani Kaimana Beach hotel? It%26#39;s very close to the Marc hotel, priced roughly the same, and isn%26#39;t undergoing construction :)

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