Saturday, April 21, 2012

kala mai ia'u

OK? I%26#39;m still not sure what I did wrong besides color outside the lines, but if I was part of churning this stuff up, then Kala Mai ia%26#39;u. (I sure hope that really means ';I%26#39;m Sorry';!) It is Hawaiian at least.

Let%26#39;s move on.

kala mai ia'u

Chicogirl - I posted a reply to your earlier post '; I%26#39;m outta here'; - new to all of this and do not know the history - I apologize if I stirred anything up. Best to ignore trouble..............

kala mai ia'u

You didn%26#39;t do anything. This is supposed to be a place where people can ask any question and those with some insight can supply it. I love Maui and have ideas I can share - I have a different travel style than some and have tried to not impose my ideas, just share them. We have chatted about off topic things, perhaps too much. I am glad you asked your question and I hope you will post a trip report when you return!

I certainly will. And I appreciate all that I have learned here. Thanks

  • desktop issue
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