experienced this wonderful treat a few years ago on kauai with a scoop of mac in the bottom of the cone--
any shave ice stands in the maalaea area near lauloa resort
shave ice
I don%26#39;t know of any in the Maalaea area, but their is a very good one in Kihei. It%26#39;s just a stand, right on the main drag across from the beach. Sorry I can%26#39;t remeber the name.
Localgirl, any idea%26#39;s??
They put icecream in the bottom, for an additional .50. They also had killer milkshakes!
shave ice
have you ever tried shave ice that has the sweet red azuki beans on the bottom, then vanilla icecream and shaved ice on top? at first it sounded strange to have beans in that combination, but i was really hooked on it when i tried. now i have to stay away from all sweets for my health. i wished there was the diet sugarless kind.
don%26#39;t know of any in the Maalaea area, but their is a very good one in Kihei.%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;
would that be maui expresso on s kihei rd??
what about in lahaina???? can there really be a bad shave ice stand?????????? my theory is that if there are 10 people on line in front of you then its a good shave ice stand
No, don%26#39;t think they had coffee. Wish I paid attention to the name. It was just like a trailer, with a few pic nic tables outside, across from the park, and to the side of a strange shaped shopping center.
Since we got back from Maui I have been bracing myself for a RANT about shave ice. We, too, enjoyed shave ice on Kauai and looked forward to having it again on Maui. After having a couple of bad experiences with FAKE shave ice in the states I was really looking forward to it. Let me just start with the basics. Shave Ice is made from a block of ice in a machine with a really sharp blade. No exceptions. Anything else is a Sno Cone and NOT shave ice. We got burned at two places in Lahaina and walked out of another. Anyone that tells you they can make shave ice from ice cubes does not know what they are talking about. Shave ice is a treat that is extremely Hawaiian in nature. No one should fly all the way to Hawaii and be served a Sno Cone and told it is shave ice. It is criminally un-Hawaiian to do so and the Chamber of Commerce or the Legislature should shut the offenders down. Otherwise visitors will eat sno cones and ask themselves, ';what%26#39;s the big deal with this?';
There likely are real shave ice stands in Lahaina but we did not find one. We did find real shave ice at Halfway to Hana and in the village of Kahakuloa.
Accept no substitutes. No cubes and no grinders. A BLOCK of ice and a sharp blade.
( I may repeat this message as often as necessary )
Haha, then I guess I was lucky that we bought our Shave ices off a truck, the first time it was parked at the Black beach area on the road to Hana, the second time, on the road outside the entrance to Makena Beach. The Passion Fruit juice, (that they had a name I cant remember how to spell now), was sooooo amazing along side fresh pinapple juice.
Well, I totally agree about shave ice! Lapperts in Lahaina does a BAD shave ice. The ONLY other place I%26#39;ve gotten one is the place in Kihei,,,,, and it was the real thing! The difference in Shave Ice and a Sno Cone is astounding,,,, their is no comparison. I got two flavors mixed passion fruit %26amp; pineapple, with vanilla ice cream on the bottom! it was sooooooo GOOOD! I wish I had one right now!
We like Local Boy at Kalama Village in Kihei, our son is a shave ice fanatic, I think we have hit every stand on Maui and Kauai. Anyway, that%26#39;s our fav for Maui.
By the way, thank you everyone for referring to it as ';Shave Ice'; not ';Shaved Ice'; like the some chickie on Maui last year who insisted that%26#39;s what it was called and I was just a ';tourist'; who didn%26#39;t know anything. That was after ';overhearing'; a conversation between my son and I because their sign said Shaved Ice.
I am driving myself nuts trying to remember the name on the sign at the shave ice truck for the Passion fruit flavored juice. I think it was called Liki something or Lilli......? Anyone know?
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