Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Scuba Diving -- What are some great diving outfits?

Okay, 18 days to go. I want to take a SSI Skills update course in Maui. I%26#39;m PADI certified for the last 29 years and would like having some time with a SSI Dive Master.

I am considering Maui Dive Shop for this course. Any others you recommend?

I%26#39;m going on a Molikini snorkel trip the Pride of Maui with Pride Charters. They offer an upgrade to do 2 SCUBA dives, all equipment and suit included for $60 -- one at Molikini and one at Turtle town. They said the dive would only be 20 - 30 minutes long at 40%26#39; to 50%26#39; depth led by a Dive Master. I%26#39;m use to a 45-minute or longer dive at that depth. I would be very disappointed with a 20-minute dive led by a dive master.

Are there better dive trips I could consider?

And if I consider another dive outfit, do you think they would have a SSI Skills update course?

Looking for some good diving, not just a tourist dive.

Scuba Diving -- What are some great diving outfits?

Bumper pool. Do%26#39;n the Bump.

Scuba Diving -- What are some great diving outfits?

I *loved* our experience with Extended Horizons in west Maui. Top notch crew, really in to the ';diving'; experience. I did not opt for the diving option on Pride of Maui - not much more to see below water than just snorkeling, and I too was disappointed in the 20-40 minute bottom time. You won%26#39;t miss anything by staying on the surface! (and you%26#39;ll have an extra $60+tip! ;))

If you%26#39;re in South Maui, I dunno who to point you toward...but look for a crew that leaves early and takes no more than 12 (or so) divers (I prefer to dive in groups of 6 or less).


We are doing our Molokini Dive this summer with Mike Severns. We have heard terrific things about them - very knowledgeable, professional, small groups, etc. I think even Pappy gave me a thumbs up on them. ;-)

Also, I%26#39;ve heard that a second day of diving at Lanai%26#39; is a must. My husbands instructor here in AZ used to be a divemaster for Maui Dive Shop. She noted several Lanai%26#39; dive sites that are fantastic - the most popular being Cathedrals I %26amp; II. A dive operator must have to have a permit to dive in the waters off of Lanai%26#39; on a given day, so most operators only go on a certain day (seems like most go on Wednesdays). Our schedule only allows a second dive day on Friday, so we are going to do our Lanai%26#39; dives with Extended Horizons. They seem to have the most access to Lanai with daily trips.

Pappy? Heard you%26#39;re coming back (to the board) Monday. Any comment?

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