Wednesday, April 25, 2012

how hot is mid August...

do you think we could handle a non airconditioned condo mid August?

how hot is mid August...

Depends. I need to air when i go in JUly but then I live in Seattle and use air 9 months of the year. lol

how hot is mid August...

In August temps are in the upper 80%26#39;s and the trades blow most of the time. But that time of year we can also get offshore storms that interfere with the trades and cause humidity to rise.

It will also depend on where the condo is and what kind of ventilation it has. I never use A/C at my house, but I have lots of large windows all around and ceiling fans throughout. I%26#39;ve been in some places in my neighborhood where you really the A/C because they have no cross-ventilation to take advantage of the trade winds.

I have been in mid-August many times, and have stayed in places with no A/C and have never had a problem. Of course, I%26#39;m a cold person, so maybe that%26#39;s why. Still, most places without A/C have ceiling fans, and they help a lot, as do the cooling trade-winds...

aloha corki - there are numerous threads already about whether A/C is necessary on maui. I say Yes, the majority says yes. it can be wicked hot in the kihei/wailea area in the summer - and august is the hottest month of the year. I got heatstroke once in wailea in maui - just from walking along the beaches and swimming when I got too hot. the local dr told me he sees 8-10 cases of sunstroke and heat related problems per day. even if you stay in the shade and the trades are blowing it can be hot enough to make you feel sick; woozy and lightheaded. and it stays hot at night, so you lose sleep. i personally would never go to maui in the summer or fall months without A/C. if you have any health issues at all, you also need A/C - and so do babies, children, or the elderly. so, yes - you could ';handle'; maui without A/C, but you would have a heck of a better time with it. nuff said.

What Mauna Kea said!! ( and its very hard to sleep in that humidity without a/c, you keep waking up soaked! )

MK lady undoubtedly knows what she%26#39;s talking about. And I%26#39;ve never stayed in south Maui in the summer, just Napili, Kahana area, which is cooler, I believe. If in doubt, get A/C. You don%26#39;t want to regret your decision.

We stayed in the Kahana area without air in August and did fine. We were right by the ocean and had ceiling fans and lots of windows and it was like being in the middle of a whirlwind at times because it was breezy. Of course, if you are over in South Maui everyone says you need air. Only you know how you are. Are you always the hot one who needs the air on or are you always throwing on a sweater?

I would go for the AC.

uhhh, well, I CErtainly wouldn%26#39;t want to, not in AUGUST. I won;t even stay at our unit in August it%26#39;s awful..and we HAVE a/

just my two cents, but if you can pick another time, do.

Maui is great anytime, the temp does creep up but geez, it%26#39;s not like Arizona in the summer. There are always the trade winds and ocean to keep you cool. Go for an AC unit though.

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