Wednesday, April 25, 2012

motorized parasailing at Hana

I am going in 2 weeks, I was just wondering has anyone done the motorized parasailing at Hana airport in Maui? I have been to the web site and I have the Maui Revealed book, but I wanted to know if anyone has done it. Thanks

motorized parasailing at Hana

Did it a few years ago and really enjoyed it. Well worth the $$.

You can even take the controls if you wish. One thing though, take your own camera with you, I did the camera on wing option, and the pictures didnt turn out very good.

motorized parasailing at Hana

dpdiver thanks for the info. Can you tell me anymore about it how far do you go, do you go over the volcano? Thanks

It was somewhat overcast the day of my flight, as it is alot, on that side of Maui. He didn%26#39;t take me up over volcano. Not sure if he does when weather is better. We stayed around 1500 ft. and flew a little ways past Seven Sacred Falls, and then back a few miles past the airport the other way.

Would of been nicer if the sun was out, but the veiws were still awsome. And taking the controls was pretty neat also.

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