Monday, April 23, 2012

Is a Luau really worth it?

My husband and I will be going to Hawaii for our 1st time in September. We are in our early 30s, no kids, and love good food and great nightlife. After reading so many reviews of the luaus on this forum, I am now questioning if we should even bother going to a Luau.

Part of me feels like we SHOULD go because we have never been to one. But, the other part of me thinks we should just avoid it. Are there lots of kids at these Luaus? Are you crammed in a small space with tons of other people? Is the food any good or just ok? Is the show cheesy?

As info, if we do go to one, we will go to the Royal Hawaiian.

I%26#39;m so torn right now on what to do and need people%26#39;s opinions!


Is a Luau really worth it?

hi demi, there%26#39;s the same post on the Maui forum. I just posted a response to jrsteele%26#39;s. Please read it when you get a chance. thanks, lg

Is a Luau really worth it?

for the money you are better off at the halekulani watching the free hula/ music show buying a few drinks and then going to orchids for a class dinner, but what the heck you already are spending a bunch on the trip, you should at least go once in your life. I will say the luaus are a better deal than the dinner cruises. BTW for the royal hawiian luau you can watch for free from the mai tai bar at the hotel but you will have to get there early for seats.

We went to a luau. If we didn%26#39;t go, we probably would always wonder, but now that we%26#39;ve done it we see we didn%26#39;t miss much. It was okay, but not the highlight of our trip and we wouldn%26#39;t go to one of those luaus again. Some of the ';other'; types of luaus, such at Halekulani, might be a little better than the more ';touristy'; type ones.

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