Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Are you afraid of the Airlines losing your luggage or...

I am. I%26#39;m trying to figure out the largest Carry-on bag I can get away with. I traveled back to Charlotte, NC in March with a standard 22x14x9 bag and it looked dinky compared with some of the bags folks brought on.

I%26#39;ll be traveling on a United 767-300 wide body. Do you think I could get away with a 26x16x9?

Doesn%26#39;t look any bigger than the bags I saw being carried on.

Are you afraid of the Airlines losing your luggage or...

venture, aloha. call UAL for their requirements on size - they%26#39;re stringent about this. I%26#39;ve never heard of lugge to/from hawaii on UAL getting stolen, so the odds are against this. on the other paw, the luggage could be delayed by 1 day. if this happens, they will deliver the bags to your hotel. be sure to hand carry the necessities in a small carry-on. and don%26#39;t pack a long pig!


Are you afraid of the Airlines losing your luggage or...

V-Man: That is something I worry about but then.....I worry about everything! I just don%26#39;t think it is right that a person cannot lock their luggage anymore. I worry more about stuff being stolen than luggage being lost as it seems it eventually will return to you but stolen items won%26#39;t.

Aren%26#39;t you travelling with kids? and a wife? Do you think you%26#39;ll get their buy-in on carry-on only travelling?

As for me, I%26#39;m like you - I am worried that my stuff may get lost. But I%26#39;m also afraid of the plane nosediving into the ocean, I%26#39;m afraid my daughter will freak out on the plane, I%26#39;m worried my kids won%26#39;t be able to equalize the pressure in their ears while we%26#39;re flying, I%26#39;m worried whether I chose the best place to stay, whether we will have what we need, whether I can actually afford this trip, whether my catsitter is actually going to clean the catbox or not, etc.

I guess my point is, I worry about a lot of stuff, and my luggage is just one of those worries. But at some point, one needs to let go and just trust that things will go well. It doesn%26#39;t hurt to have contingency plans in case they don%26#39;t, but I have resolved that I will prepare to the best of my ability, then I will back off and not worry.

This is my resolution - now we%26#39;ll see just how well I can relax and just go with the flow when the actual day comes to board our flight! I tend to be a chronic worrier/overplanner, and when any day I have overplanned arrives, I almost always develop a stress migraine from all the worrying/overplanning. How dumb is THAT?!

More bad or nformation from somebody who didn%26#39;t bother to do some basic research (and a ';local expert'; too). United Airline%26#39;s web site states as follows

Carry-on bags

For travel worldwide on United Airlines, you may carry on one bag and one personal item such as a purse, briefcase, or laptop computer. A carry-on bag must fit under your seat or in the overhead bin. Its linear dimensions (length + width + height) cannot exceed 9'; x 14'; x 22';. United may require that a carry-on item travel as checked baggage if the item cannot be safely stowed on a particular flight.

And they are obviosly not ';stringent about this'; as people regularly fly United with carry on that far exceeds the stated limits. If your carry on is too big they won%26#39;t kick you off the plane but they might take your oversize luggage and check it. No big deal.

You may have never heard of luggage (or contents) being stolen but it happens frequently.

sheesh, Bud, lighten up. can we have Budlight??

I%26#39;ve had experiences with UAL getting tough - it%26#39;s hit or miss.

jolynda, I am also a migraine sufferer. I know what you%26#39;re going thru.

Mr. Bud, why must you preface the useful info you have to share with a mean-spirited comment?

I have read other posts on this forum where travelers have discussed carry-ons, and apparently some airlines ARE getting pickier and starting to enforce the rules rigorously, so MKL may not be so far off the mark; and she is definitely right on in her advice that people should call their carrier directly if they want the full scoop.

MKL is not a designated expert on AIRLINES; she is an expert on the locale where she resides, and as such, she is a wonderful resource for visitors to her island, so cut her some slack!

It is certainly acceptable and even desirable to express dissenting opinions, alternate views, or additional information, but it seems very inappropriate and uncalled for to insult another user because you think you know better. Why go there?

Well said, Jolynda. I get migraines too from being stressed out. Unfortunately, I have passed this trait on to my oldest daughter as well.

Thank you jolynda!

VentureMan, I%26#39;m going the other direction...........this trip I am going to refuse to do the ';try to find a place for the carry-on shuffle.'; Told hubby I was checking the sucker! With that said, I will have a small carry-on that will fit under the seat with, a change of clothes, a bathing suit, my meds, my make-up (the first couple of days I always wear it, than forget about it) my curling iron and my pj%26#39;s and camera.

If my luggage is delayed, I hope it will get there in a day or two.........we have a direct flight from Atlanta, fingers crossed that it is there when we get there, if not, I refuse to let lost luggage upset our 25th wedding anniversary trip.


Geez Bud, could you try to be a little nicer. People are just trying to help.

Venture, please don%26#39;t bring an obnoxiously large carry-on, other people will need space in the overhead also. Last year somebody brought a huge carry-on and it took up the whole overhead above me so I had to put my stuff in the next section. I wasn%26#39;t real jazzed about that. We travel a lot and never have items stolen. Just don%26#39;t check on jewelry or electronics.

Geez Bud - I%26#39;m agreeing with everyone else here....couldn%26#39;t you be a little nicer here? This is just a forum to share information, it doesn%26#39;t mandate that any of us do research for one another. We share our own personal thoughts and experiences and know that all will not see things in the same way. It%26#39;s off-target to tell someone who is responding how they should respond. And parting husband always tells me that a person never has regrets when they are as kind as possible to other human beings. It%26#39;s good advice! Go with it!

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