Wednesday, April 25, 2012

stop at Costco first , or go back a bit later??

We fly in to Maui in the early afternoon and wonder if we should stop at Costco first before heading to the condo, or check in and see what goodies are already in the condo and then go back to Costco.

We%26#39;re staying at the Hale Kamoale condos in Kihei. Does anyone know how far a drive it is from there to Costco?

thanks for all your help - this forum is great for getting info and ideas!

stop at Costco first , or go back a bit later??


based on what ive read costco is right near the airport and kehei which is close to where we are going to be staying read is about 25 miles- someone will give you the exact miles-

my wife and i were discussing this subject this am--- and we will most likely stop before going to the condo--- there will be 4 of us and i am wondering how much stuff we will actually buy considering the bulk packages they sell and we will only be on maui for 1 week ----------may have to end up in safeway or something like that and pay more for smaller quantities

stop at Costco first , or go back a bit later??

Great question. We have the exact same scenario. Will arrive around 1:00 noon. Staying at Maui Sunset in Kihei. I%26#39;m thinking the trunk of the rental (intermediate) will already be full of luggage. The rest of the car will have 2 adults, 3 kids, and maybe more luggage. Hoping there will be enough room; will probably stop first as I heard all food is removed from condos when someone checks out.

But would love to hear how others do this.

I heard the drive is 20 minutes.

We%26#39;re going to stop on our way as being just the two of us for 2 weeks don%26#39;t think we%26#39;ll buy many bulk items. Plan to stop for milk, bread, cereal, bagels.. that kind of stuff. Oh and a ittle alcohol.

CanadianMom..are you flying on Harmony? I haven%26#39;t flown on them yet but hear they are great with lots of leg room. We don%26#39;t go until September.

It is about 15 miles from the airport to Kam III (near Hale Kama`ole) in Kihei, allow yourself 20-25 minutes, depending on time of day. Costco is right there by the airport.

I would expect the only things you may find in your condo will be a few spices. I have a friend who has a condo cleaning service and they are required to throw out anything that is left behind by the previous renters. And boy! do they throw out a lot of stuff.

Are you doing a lot of cooking? Are you planning on buying a lot of meats? I don%26#39;t find Costco to be all that much better in price for many things. I get better deals on soda at Safeway, better prices on beer and wine at Long%26#39;s Drugs. If there are a lot of you then Costco might be a good idea, but for only two of you are you really saving money of you spend the same for twice as much and throw away half? Remember the time you will spend at Costco--that place is a zoo!

Msparkyace: Glad to hear your comments on Harmony. I hear they are supposed to start flying out of Calgary by Fall. I sure hope so as we would like to fly a charter flight to Maui rather than Air Canada or something similar. Charters have no stops and are less expensive.

We stopped at Costco on the way to our condo in Kanapali, after arriving in Maui around 3 pm. Costco was very crowded and I bought way too much stuff, thinking that we would always eat in. Of course we didnt. And what I bought took up the whole back seat of the convertible. Since the trunk was full of our luggage I dont know where you would put anything if you had passengers in the backseats. That being said, we did use up quite a bit of the groceries for breakfasts and lunches and they do have good prices on some stuff. But considering you have to buy it in bulk, you might come out ahead at Safeway.

We just make the stop when we get in so we don%26#39;t have to think about it later. We also stay in the Kihei area.

Hello all - thanks for all your comments.

We are a family of 4 (with one VERY hungry teenage boy, and one teenage daughter). I plan to buy mostly breakfast stuff, gallons of milk, bottled water, and maybe some steaks %26amp; chicken for the bbq. We%26#39;ll eat out sometimes, but hope to enjoy sunsets at the condo grilling something up on the bbq , sipping on something cool.

Thanks for the info on cheaper beer %26amp; wine at Longs, Kaiwahine. I would have guessed Costco to be cheaper for that. Definately want beer %26amp; wine!!!! (maybe even more than the water!!)

Msparkyace - yes we are flying Harmony direct to Maui. Have heard they%26#39;re good but haven%26#39;t flown with them before. They still serve food and have free movies - I haven%26#39;t flown anywhere for a few years and was really surprised to find out that many airlines don%26#39;t serve food anymore - unless you pay a premium for it.

We are staying for 12 days and one thing I hadn%26#39;t thought of when I posed this question was how full our trunk would be with the luggage. I don%26#39;t think we would have room for a Costco run before unloading the luggage at the condo - thanks for reminding me of that small detail !!

';Remember the time you will spend at Costco--that place is a zoo! ';

Not really. If you go right after a large plane of visitors arrive, then it can be crowded.......or a day or two before a major holiday. But most times it%26#39;s not bad at all. They keep those lines moving pretty quickly. They close at 8:30pm, so I usually end up going around 7:00 and can be in and out of there pretty fast. Now Walmart is a zoo!

Costco on Maui never takes us long. We only have three people but we like to buy our wine, juice and bottled water there. I also like to get bread there because it%26#39;s less expensive, you can packs with 2 loafs which is not a lot and freeze one. Also, like to get deli meats there and kids snacks for our son.

  • lot of oil refined
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