Where is a good place to snorkel between Kona and Punalu%26#39;u? We would prefer a place without a lot of touristy stuff. Don%26#39;t have a problem going off the beaten path if we know where to turn off. Thanks Hawaiidan for the info on Mauna Kea, it was very helpful. Also thanks to the rest of you that provided input. I%26#39;m new at this, not going to Hawaii, but using the internet for info!!
snorkeling between kona %26amp; punalu'u
The problem is the good places are all south and are all very popular as they are stunning One problem is as you go furthur and futhur south is the recent lava flows on the 17 and 1800 period have left a very new and rugged coast with very few access points and a lack of roads.
To the north try Puoko......somewhat exposed but on the oldest and largest coral reef in Hawaii, according to my experience and info.
Captain Cook or K bay and 2 step, at city of refuge are both in reserves, that are in the process of review that would close at least Capt Cook to snorkeling that is not in a tour with a professional guide.!!!
The reason is that the popularity is destroying the beach and the coral..... The heavy traffic is in need to be controled and supervised.....
At Punaluu is the black sand and turtles.......the water is not as clear andthe south coast and east coast are exposed to rather serious and dangerous currents. I would not consider a snorkel here.......
Furthur up the coast these currents are less of a problen and the
Look for a beach that has at least a few others snorkeling....and if you dont see then ....thats a message to not go there. Be careful that what you see as snorkelers are not spear fishermen.....as that can lead to some other problems .......
So in summary, the best places are all popular, best reached by boat and you will enjoy them best with a professional tour...there are small eco-friendly groups like Dolphin Discoveries
You can rent yourself a 21ft inboard, from Kona and and explore some of these areas.
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