Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Kealakekua Bay Closing to the Public?

There are some posts on the Fodor%26#39;s Hawaii forum stating that Kealakekua Bay will be closed to the public starting this summer. Has anyone heard anything about this? I%26#39;m sure it%26#39;s just a rumor, but just wondered if anyone has any info on this.....

Kealakekua Bay Closing to the Public?


Havent heard of this

There is a bill that will prevent entry in to the northwest Hawaiian chain north of Kauai......this may be what folks are talking about . It will not apply the southern region and main body of the chain. It is only proposed and has not passed


Kealakekua Bay Closing to the Public?


Here are excerpts from the posts on Fodor%26#39;s....

';We rented sea kayaks and kayaked across to the Captain Cook Monument. What an experience. Unfortunately, we were informed that we would be among the last 100 or so people to be able to make the journey because they would be closing it to the public shortly thereafter.';

';I was very dismayed to hear the info. about the closure at Capt. Cook...can you please clarify and can anyone else jump in if they%26#39;ve indeed heard this is true? Is it kayaking from the ramp that will be closed and will snorkeling from a boat or hiking down to Capt. Cook still be allowed? Or will the area be shut down in general? ';

';I read recently on that Kealakekua Bay will be closed only to rental kayaks, unless you are with a tour. You can still snorkel at Captain Cook if you walk down or go with a tour boat. However, the poster on KonaWeb got this info from Kona Boys kayak rental as well. I have yet to see it posted anywhere %26#39;official.%26#39;';

';Unfortunately I%26#39;m not sure of all of the details - we rented our kayaks from the place that the Blue Book recommends (can%26#39;t remember the name right now but it is the book%26#39;s first choice) and the girl who rented the kayaks to us was the source of my info. She said that it was due to people leaving trash over there, stepping on the coral, etc. She gave us an exact date this summer (can%26#39;t remember what that was either) which would be the last permissible time to visit. I%26#39;m not sure if this refers just to independent trips or to group snorkeling excursions as well';

Hopefully these are just rumors!

I contacted Kona Boys about this and they replied with the following:

';....There has been talk of restricting kayaking to guided tours in Kealakekua Bay, but as of now there are still rentals available for the Bay. We are very involved in the process and always have current information on the changes. I don%26#39;t forsee any changes being finalized in regard to Kealakekua Bay for at least a couple months....';

Come-on; April Fools Day was almost 2 1/2 months ago!

(If not a joke, the ';Decision-Makers'; in Hawaii must have been taking STUPID LESSONS from New Mexico.)


Well ,I talked to several persons on this issue and they quote me that there is somthing in the works....and that things will change. Exactly when is a question no one can or is willing to answer.

What I am told by persons in local government that I am friendly with, is ';that this is an issue brought up by several conservation groups , rather than the tour operators,who claim that trash and waste is being left by unsupervised visitors, many of which appear to be kayak renters, and serious damage to the bay is happening like to the coral and beach areas where sometimes dozens try to beach their boat. .%26#39;

%26#39;This will not effect the hike. But this appears to effect all visitors, whether in tours or in Kayaks inotherwords all boating and visitors by land or sea.';

Sounds like a valid complaint as the bay has no control and is on the honor system at present.

According to my info, there will be State Park Rangers stationed here this summer to enforce the state park rules, one of which is no liquor or other substances in the park....and camping in the park.

As this is one of the premier places in this island and its tourist economy, I think that they will act soon to put in safeguards to insure its future and preservation for future visitors.

So, future visits will proably be like the National Park wilderness permit program were ther will be daily limits to this place inorder to control impact........Thats my guess and that any group will need an approved supervisor as the rangers cant do it by themselves. But yes somthing is happening here.

Mind you, this not me.....I am just the messenger of the wheels of progress.....It took me for a loop as well.......


Mahalo HawaiiDan. Not pleasant, but....

Hey Folks, what say we get with the nomination process of TA LOCAL EXPERT for this Guy?

Yes, I sent nomination note to TA. hawaiidan has always been helpful and just like this post where he actually track down the info for us. Mahalo, hawaiidan, you are local expert in my book and much appreciated whether you carry the ';official title'; or not.

Right-on Young4fr!

Common Everybody; let%26#39;s go for the TA Local Expert record!

DUH; repeat: DUH!

Sorry Yung4fr



I actually wrote in to TA a long time ago to nominate him as local expert. I don%26#39;t think hawaiidan wants to be one. I seem to remember him saying that a while back.

hawaiidan: what say you?

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